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High School Stereotypes We All Know

High school life can either be trashy or classy, but no matter which path your choose you stumble upon these people (and by “stumble” I mean you trip and fall, break your neck and die. Yup they are that horrible).

The creative introvert 
This person is the one who sits in the cornered back seat and scribbles all over their desk, gives you weird answers to your polite “hellos” out of nervousness and then bury their heads inside a rabbit hole. They mean no harm and can be good friends if you reach out to them unless you’re a demon and want to unleash the wrath of hell on the innocent ones.

The pretentious friend : 
They are the most diabolical ones, they can stab you in the back and do their nails at the same time. They’ll make you believe that you can only trust them meanwhile your reputation would be drowning in the sea of shame than the Pacific.

The extrovert: 
Well, they are also friends with introverts and the world actually revolves around them. They’re friends with all the seniors, juniors, teachers, staff members, cafeteria staff, drug dealers, mafias, Donald trump, you name them!

The control freak:
Yup! Every class has one. They suck the fun out of everything, its like as if they have O.C.D or something. And during a presentation or any event they look like a tormented crack head on the loose.

The creepy kid:
They're creeps. Seriously. You should just know to keep a safe distance of 2 km from them or else they’ll stalk you so hard that even if you change your identity and start living in the Appalachian Mountains, they’d find you and make a thumb emoji with a “nyc” written under it on a rock and then throw it on your face.

The needy one: 
Yup! They're the ones that everyone hates! And by everyone, I mean mostly girls because the needy girl in your class is the attention seeker who craves the attention of boys 24/7 and giggles and chuckles like a cheap dollar Barbie doll available in flea market.

If you feel that it's relatable then GO ON! SHARE IT WITH YOUR FRIENDS! I know I would.
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