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Folklores and Myths about “The Night Stalkers”

A guest post by: Ramsha Aslam

The mystery of night stalkers A.K.A creatures of the night is eternal. Different cultures have different beliefs and take different precautions against them. Garlic, mirrors or a stake to the heart-but honestly won't a stake to the heart kill any of us?

In ancient European folklore it is believed that a corpse is supposed to leave its grave at night to drink the human blood. 
Ehh probably just anemic, it’s not like medical science could treat it at that time. A vamp has gota do what a vamp has gotta do!!  





Vampires of New Orleans:
New Orleans is famous because of three things; Art and Culture, rich history of folklores and myths and of course “THE BOURBON STREET”

French quarter in New Orleans is said to be infected with creatures of the night. (don’t forget, we’re talking about folklores!) Also, have you not seen the vampire diaries?

COUNT ST GERMAIN- The Real Vampire:
Count ST Germain was a strange man found in the sketch illustrations of France, belonging to 1700s. His wealth was immeasurable, carried gems and diamonds and was also known as the king of Transylvania. 
Philospher Voltair called him “The man who knows everything and never dies”

His qualities were; charming, engaging and graced dinner tables but no one ever saw him eating.

FORWARDING THE STORY TO NEW ORLEANS, a man named Jacques Saint Germain who fitted every description given above appeared in New Orleans. He threw parties and always graced up the dinner tables but no one ever saw him eating anything, he always sat around with his wine glass in his hand. 

 One night a lady stayed behind and he took her to the balcony, he tried to bite her neck, but she escaped by falling off of the balcony. 

She filed a report against him. But when the police investigated his house they found patches of blood on the table cloth, there was nothing to eat in the kitchen but wine bottles were full of human blood.

Hope you enjoyed the creepy folklore,if you also have stories and articles you would like to share you're more than welcome to do so^-^ 


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